RESTful APIs are an application program interface. REST stands for representational state transfer. Comparatively, RESTful routing leverages less bandwidth.
Each URL is a request and data is the response. A request is composed of 4 units.
Endpoint: The endpoint is the text from http:// to .com. It determines the requested resource. The path is what follows the / after the .com. It determines the resource you’re requesting for.
Method: GET Gets resource from server → looks for data and sends it back (READ operation)
POST Creates a new resource on a server → new entry in database (CREATE operation)
PUT & PATCH Updates a resource on a server (UPDATE operation)
DELETE Deletes resource from server (DELETE operation)
Headers: Provide info to client and server
Data (body): contains info you want to be sent to server (if method requires such an action)
Simply put, RESTful routes are a standardized way of routing through HTTP requests. The data flow is as follows:
- An HTTP request, containing an HTTP verb (GET, PATCH, DELETE, UPDATE) is sent
- The router in the app processes the request and routes the data to the proper controller and method
- The controller action wither performs a task or fetches and renders data from the database