ReactJs vs. NodeJs vs. Angular

Posted by elaineparie on February 19, 2019

NodeJs is a JavaScript runtime environment that executes code outside of the browser. Typically, JavaScript only runs on a browser, but NodeJs allows it to run on computer. Therefore, you can access files, listen to network traffic, listen to HTTP requests, etc. In other words, NodeJs can transform JavaScript to behave like PHP or Ruby on Rails. NodeJs can either build utilities on the machine for development or be used as a web server. This enables JavaScript to be used for server side scripting and runs script server side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser.

NodeJs is a single string environment that delegates its work to other systems, such as the Libuv library. Although a lot of things run parallel, the code. It’s important to note that NodeJs does not render a DOM.

This differs from ReactJS which is renowned for its virtual DOM. ReactJS is an open-source Javascript library, rather than a framework. It works well in situation where a page needs to load quickly, such as providing newsfeed as different people makes posts. In other words, it has fantastic rendering performance.

Angular uses HTML to define web app user interface. It is a fully-featured framework. It simplifies the web development process. For instance, it handles dependencies. Rather than manipulating DOM, it brings functionality to HTML.